Message from Chairman

In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. One of the most exciting developments at our school is the announcement of 10 + 2 Hotel Management, will begin in the academic session 2078 BS. The most important essential elements of a school education are offered in subjects in hotel management as well as Computer science, Mathematics, English, Nepali, Health and Accounting. The goal of the establishment of 10 + 2 hotel management is to transform students into young professionals. The hotel management industry has grown by leaps and bounds over the years.

As a result of the extensive expansion and modernization of our location’s hospitality industry, our school established 10+2 Hospitality Management to provide the resources and central motivation for the program. There is no doubt that hotel management and the hospitality industry offer tremendous career opportunities. After completing this level education, students can easily find a job, start their own business and continue their education.

In our school we provide the necessary infrastructure as well as qualified and experienced teachers to teach and turn them into good hospitality professionals. I assure you that we will not leave anything difficult to train our students and make them perfect professionals who will be the torchbearers of the hospitality industry.

There is no doubt that hotel management and the hospitality industry offer tremendous career opportunities.

-Sudip Subedi (Chairman)